Home / News / Young Entrepreneurs Benefit From Youth Economy Business Mixer

Young Entrepreneurs Benefit From Youth Economy Business Mixer

May 12, 2023May 12, 2023

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More than two dozen young entrepreneurs were able to network with one another and to learn from more experienced business leaders, as the Youth Economy Agency successfully staged its first Business Mixer.

The event, held in collaboration with the Taiwan Technical Mission, took place on Thursday 1 June at the Daren Sammy Cricket Ground. The theme for the evening was "Taking the Leap: From Employee to Entrepreneur."

One of the principal highlights of the evening was a panel discussion, featuring social entrepreneur Ms. Keithlin Caroo, the founder and CEO of Helen's Daughters; singer and songwriter Arthur Allain; and civil engineer Dewayne Monrose of GID Services Inc.

The three shared with the audience stories of how they made the decision to get into business for themselves, what inspired them to become entrepreneurs, their fears, hurdles, and challenges, and advice as to how to commit to ownership.

Especially trenchant was the presentation by Allain, the five-time soca monarch tracing his life and career path from teacher to fulltime entertainer.

Participants also took the opportunity to mix and mingle, exchanging ideas the better to grow their own businesses. Mr. Larius Descartes, SME Officer at Bank of Saint Lucia, presented on lending options available with his organization.

And YEA took the opportunity to launch its Mentorship Programme, more information about which will be circulated in due course.

In attendance on Thursday evening were MP for Gros Islet, Hon. Kenson Casimir; Senator Deale Lee; Head of the Taiwan Technical Mission, Mr. Daniel Lee; and Permanent Secretary in the Department of Economic Development.

In the weeks to come, the Agency will also be hosting mixers in three more communities. On Friday, 9 June, YEA will be at Chateau Heritage, Dennery.

On Thursday, 15 June, the organization is scheduled to visit Debbie's Restaurant & Bar in Laborie; and on Thursday 22 June, the team will be at The Beacon, Soufriere.

All three mixers are scheduled to start with a 5:00 p.m. meet and greet to facilitate attendance by as many as possible.

This series is intended to further educate and empower young entrepreneurs in a relaxed setting, whilst allowing them room to establish meaningful relationships amongst themselves.

The Business Mixers are complementary to the training, mentorship, and financing interventions being made through YEA to support the success of Saint Lucia's youth business community.

SOURCE: Youth Economy Agency

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Let's not try reinvent the wheelThere was YES long before YEA….as a matter the YEA is YES with only a last letter changed.What is,ironic is the same people routing promoting YEA was vehemently criticized and opposed to YES .Let's see whether the YEAs has it.

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