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‘Nagas should do justice by preserving its rich forest and agricultural land’

Nov 24, 2023Nov 24, 2023

Dr Pritpal Kaur Batra, Neema Pathak Broome and others at Bhümyü village on June 5 last.

Longleng, June 7 (MExN): LEMSACHENLOK, Longleng in collaboration with Kalpavriksh & ICCA Consortium, South Asia under the theme ‘Solutions to Plastic Pollution’ commemorated World Environment Day at Bhümyü village on June 5 last. It was graced by Dr Pritpal Kaur Batra, (IPS) Sr Superintendent of Police, Longleng as special guest and Neema Pathak Broome Secretary, Kalpavriksh & ICCA Consortium, South Asia as special invitee, stated a press release.

In her speech Dr Batra said ‘God has given heaven to the Nagas of Nagaland with the rich forest and agricultural land’ and that "We should thank Him and do justice by preserving it." She said, "Nagas in general have the ability to do almost everything, but today with the rise of technology, youth and younger generation are losing the dignity of labour and are so much attached with mobile phone and are not able to perform well."

Therefore, she urged the Phom community and Nagas in general to learn the division of labour from cultivating, processing and market linkage. "This can happen only when Nagas learn to work as a team and also learn scientific method of farming, and be given awareness for rural people, and provide them with ethical and correct education," said Dr Batra.

She mentioned that people of Longleng can avail the opportunity to bring the natural soil available in their fields for scientific testing through Soil Testing Laboratory in Longleng and thereby, plant our own available crops and plants which can bring out the best produce instead of importing alien crops and plants as it can bring alien pests which might destroys are own indigenous crops and plants.

SP advocated that plastic use should be totally avoided and replaced by locally available resources and hand woven bags or baskets for marketing etc. Instead of buying plastic plates or cups for different events or occasions, she encouraged use of banana leaf, bamboo leaf, etc and also to encourage and support local entrepreneurs. "We should plant more trees for sustainable biodiversity. Use of plastics and burning it has a negative impact on human health by causing different kinds of diseases like cancer and also pollute the environment, destroys flora and fauna it can also lead to depleting environment," she asserted.

Neema Pathak Broome commended the initiatives of LEMSACHENLOK and encouraged the communities to come forward and collaboratively work towards improving the environment, conservation of the natural resources and plant more trees. "Human can work together for the betterment of the peaceful environment. Our actions today are important because it might have negative impact in the near future if we do not follow reduce, reuse and recycle," she added.

Nuklu Phom, Chairman and team leader LEMSACHENLOK in his address said that humanity has misused ‘the wonderful and perfect ecosystem’ because of which ‘nature had come so heavily upon us today.’ "The entire world is suffering because of environment degradation and climate change and therefore, humanity should strive towards creating an improved environment," he emphasised.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Kalpavriksh & ICCA Consortium, South Asia and LEMSACHENLOK was signed for further collaboration in the areas of Indigenous Biodiversity Conservation and Empowering Community Livelihood and Sustainability.

Further, MoU between LEMSACHENLOK and Yingli College Longleng was signed for collaboration on Interdisciplinary Research, integrating Ecological and Conservation related Research in Longleng district.

Three speakers delivered their message virtually. Supongnukshi (IFS) CCF, Department of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, GoN spoke on ‘Solidarity, Role of Government’; Dr Suresh Kumar, Sr Scientist Wild Life Institute’ spoke on ‘Imbalance impact through plastic menace, a scientific analysis’; and Dr Samadangla Ao, Asst. professor, Department of Botany, Kohima Science College spoke on ‘Role of Universities in Solution to plastic pollution.’

Dr Henshet Phom, Vice Principal, Yingli College Longleng spoke about collaborative endeavour towards a conducive ecosystem while Dr Wati Imchen, Principal Fazl Ali College, Mokokchung, presented on ‘significance of collaboration between institutions and community.’

To mark WED, LEMSACHENLOK also organized essay and painting competitions online where Imkongchingba Phom emerged the winner. LEMSACHENLOK also distributed equipments like trapped cameras, binoculars, tree saplings and green house materials to some few villages associated with LEMSACHENLOK.

Earlier, S Angam Chairman, Bhümnyü VC delivered the welcome note, Rev Mongmei, Pastor Bhümnyü Baptist Church said the invocation, ‘voice from the community’ was spoken by Nokthai Chairman, Yongshei Village Council and a play was presented by Alijo Cademia Centre Bhümnyü.

Songs were presented by intern students from Oriental Theological College, Bade and Yingli College, Longleng students; benediction and blessings by Balong, Pastor Auching Baptist church; Susan Coordinator, LEAMSACHENLOK was the chair while Watikala LEMSACHENLOK said the vote of thanks.

Longleng, June 7 (MExN):